Day and Boarding; Grades 6-12


Bequest Language

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Bequests, or gifts from estates, have positively impacted The Pennington School and its students over the years. Many of the existing scholarships and transformational gifts that are central to the education of our students originated through the estates of our generous alumni, parents, and friends.

A bequest:

  • Is easy to arrange.
  • Does not affect your assets or cash flow during your lifetime.
  • Can be easily modified to address your changing needs.

Specific bequests are used to make a gift of a specific dollar amount or asset (securities, real estate, or personal property). Residuary bequests are used to give all or a portion of the remainder of your estate after payment of expenses and any other amounts designated to beneficiaries.

The following are several examples of suggested bequest wording to benefit The Pennington School. Alumni, parents, and friends are encouraged to share final will provisions with The Pennington School to ensure that your wishes will be properly followed and recognized.

Percentage of Estate for General or Specific Purposes
I give, devise, and bequeath to The Pennington School, a nonprofit organization located in Pennington, New Jersey, (Tax Identification #23-1352294), all or state a percent (_____%) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate as a gift to be used for its general purposes (or for the support of a specific fund or program) at The Pennington School.

Specific Amount for Specific or General Purposes
I give, devise, and bequeath to The Pennington School, a nonprofit organization located in Pennington, New Jersey, (Tax Identification #23-1352294), the sum of $_______ in cash or in-kind (or _____ shares of __________stock) to be used for its general purposes (or for the support of a specific fund or program) at The Pennington School.

If you or your attorney would like The Pennington School to provide you with customized beneficiary language that is specific to your goal and interest such as establishing an endowed fund through your estate gift, please contact Brian Frankowski, Director of Capital Projects and Gift Planning, at 609.737.6149.

The Pennington School does not provide legal counsel or tax advice in any form. Please seek the assistance of a licensed attorney, tax advisor, or financial advisor to ensure any gift you are considering fits appropriately with your specific circumstances.


© Pentera, Inc. Planned giving content. All rights reserved.